Creation groans and suffers – and so do we.


In Romans 8: 18 – 27 we learn about three different groans that are characteristic of the current age in which we live. We read that the creation groans to be delivered,

that we, Christians, groan too as a result of living in this imperfect world with its disappointments, sadness, pains and death.

But then we also hear that the Holy Spirit groans for our sake, in compassion with us, before God.


Romans 8: 18 – 22 tell about the groaning creation.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the those who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.


All three groans we read about in Romans 8 remind us that we are not home with God, yet!   While we wait for the glory of the new world to come, we are aware of the suffering of creation as a result of a greedy, selfish and foolish human race with too little love and respect for the works of the hand of our Creator.


It is as if Creation is sighing and crying before its Maker, to be delivered from man’s heavy hand and selfishness. Creation waits for God’s children to be revealed as caring, respectful and responsible representatives of the Creator, to speak for it and resist its destruction in word and deed.


While our world and all of creation groan and sigh, there is still great beauty left in this world. Call to mind the many wonders of plant and animal life and all the scenic views that take our breath away.


Now, try to imagine how glorious that same sight will be when the curse and consequence of sin is forever removed from our world! Jesus died on the cross for the redemption of sinners and he also redeemed this sin cursed world. On the Day of the Lord the shackles will fall off and all creation will rejoice! One day, we will not only inherit a new heaven, but also a new, delivered and perfect earth!


If we believe this we will, as God’s children, serve, protect and save as many wonders of God’s creation as we can. We will be passionate about God’s great work of art. And as we endeavor to leave the smallest possible footprint of our sinful existence - we will testify that what God will do on the Day of the Lord, will exceed our greatest expectations. We will then also be delivered from our groans as a result of sin, suffering, illness, sadness and death in this world and live in wonderful harmony with everything God has made.


What a perfect and complete salvation we receive! What a glorious inheritance!

What a magnificent Saviour we serve!
