Prayer for the beloved country - today.

 Gracious and merciful God and Lord of our lives, we come into your presence through our Redeemer Jesus Christ.  We humble ourselves and pray for the beloved country, South Africa, and all who live here and know this is their home and the future of their children.   Have mercy on us, we pray.


Help us to make a difference in our country. 

You Lord, the almighty Christ,  is our true King and our Leader. You returned from the hell of Golgotha as a victorious Warrior for our sake. And we know that on the day of the Lord’s pleasure, you Lord,  will bring an end to all evil power and authority in this world. That is what you promise to do.

Grant our government, on all levels, the gifts of wisdom, insight, empathy and integrity to guide us and lead us in a way that is for the greater good of all the citizens and all who live here.


We pray heavenly Father that we will prosper as a nation under Christ - and be free through his redemption, because when South Africa prosper, your children and your church here, will prosper too.


Teach us, both leaders and followers to work smarter, with clear vision, hope and courage, and inspire us to continually pray for all authorities, also when they disappoint us, that they will be effective and successful in their task to rule and govern for the good of all.

Help us to always pray and work for the peace and prosperity of all who share this beautiful land.


Holy God, we know your are on the side of your people. Help us to understand our purpose: to do and to live, to help and uplift one another.

Father we believe that your purpose for us is to be well. Help us to seek our well-being and bless us with your holy peace that only you, our Redeemer can grant us!


Through following Jesus every day, help us to overcome all bitterness and enable us through your Holy Spirit to be able to bring God’s hope and peace where we live and work and help us Lord to make a difference to the future of our children.


You alone Lord Jesus, is our only Lord and King.

Have mercy on us, deur Lord.

Have mercy on the economy and job creation in our land.

Have mercy Father, because we are your children, living in your holy Church.

Have mercy Lord Jesus, and forgive us our sins and restore us in every way.

Have mercy gracious Holy Spirit and grant all of us all the gifts we need to serve our nation,  to the glory of your most holy Name.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.   AMEN. 
