Judas amongst us.


During New Testament time it was the custom that a student would greet his teacher with a kiss – to show respect and to show submission. It is similar to the kiss of a son given to his dad today.

Judas chose to use this sign of respect and love, to betray the Lord.


Matthew 26: 48 - 49: While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.


How often do we reverently confess Jesus as Lord, yet we are continuously reinforcing ourselves as the true lord of our lives? How many times have we worshiped Jesus, saying and singing that we are in awe of his sacrifice - with our mouths - not with a kiss but with words, only to immediately abandon him from our souls and our works again?


As much as we hate to confess it, there is a bit of Judas in all of us. We pledge allegiance to Christ and make promises to God, only to remove him from our daily lives the next moment. Sometimes worship, praise, betrayal and deceit live in the very same heart.


Judas was guilty of High Treason within the Kingdom of Christ. He betrayed the King for the sake of a few silver coins – for financial gain.


This is a phenomenon that now became part of our daily lives, when powerful people who rule and reign our country, blatantly and without remorse plunder the beloved country, to the extent that the state does not have money for any important need of the people.  Resources for food for the poorest South Africans and protection against the deadly virus are stolen. The very existence of the state is in danger because those in powerful places steal and plunder for the silver coins that are used for extravagant life styles, houses, luxurious cars and the like. Greed is rife!!

High Treason is endemic!


Judas committed suicide when he realised what he did.

But our traitors do not even step aside when caught and are prosecuted by the state, exposing the ruthless heart of a true traitor.


Without receiving new hearts and minds of those who trust in God and believe that Jesus Christ is their only salvation and redemption, there is little hope for a good future for our children and grand children. Their heritage is ransacked and we do not see any remorse.

PRAY that the Holy Spirit will CHANGE THE HEARTS AND MINDS of these traitors and bring them under the discipline of the King that can save not only lives but also a nation and a country.


The only solution for all of us is to return to Jesus Christ!

The only way out is for all of us, leaders and followers, is to come to the cross for forgiveness, to turn from our wicked, traitor’s ways and come to the Lord for new beginnings and radical reconciliation.

Only at the foot of the cross we will hear the loving assurance: One day you will be with me in Paradise.

Even if one used to commit High Treason against the country and constitution, and more importantly betray Christ and his eternal Kingdom, there is redemption offered in God’s inspired Word.


May God save us from our enemies.

May God save our lives from the sin of greed and falsehood.

May God redeem our nation and grant us new beginnings.
