The power of peacemakers during times of hatred and destruction


When we worship this Sunday, we should pray that as peacemakers we will prepare the way for the Lord Jesus and his gospel to spread his light through our unity and love for each other as his followers and for our neighbour.

Not for our own sake or even in the first place for the sake of the Church, but because it became even more clear than before that the whole human race desperately needs the peace of God.
With hearts awakened by God’s Spirit we can see how Christ is the only answer for the violence, conflict, war, envy and hatred that even kill people and at least destroy their joy, may God grant us the zeal of a John the Baptist, who gave his life to call everyone to repentance in order to be able to receive the Prince of Peace and to prepare his way to the hearts and minds of both individuals and communities devastated by conflict, theft and disagreement.
Peace with God in Christ brings peace within the congregation of the Lord’s people as well as amongst communities and a nation. And as we set an example to those who suffer as a result of fighting, disunity and pride that divide, hurt, loot and destroy, our example as peacemakers will prepare the way for Jesus to reach all of us with his divine peace - the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.
Let’s pray for purified minds that care about what God cares about – mercy, love, reconciliation, friendship, humility, respect and empathy as the remedy for the pain caused by rifts, schisms, hostilities, narcissism and lust for power.
And with minds cleansed from anger and hatred we will become instruments of peace, that Christ may reign as divine Prince of Peace among us, to the glory of God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.
Prayer: Loving God, while we wait for Christ’s return and for your peace to prevail for all eternity, enable each of us to work for harmony and serenity as we experience the various conflicts which abound in our lives and in our world. As we worship you today, may your peace be born into our lives.
This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
