Lent teaches: Jesus is the rock on which we stand.

 Experience shows that although we know the Lord Jesus to be the sure salvation amongst all our needs, we often struggle to come to him, as a result of our many threats, doubts, fears and hesitations. The Saviour would have been of no use to us if the Holy Spirit had not gently led us to him, and enabled us to rest on him. We often feel that we not only need a rock, but have a dire need to be led to him, even Jesus our Redeemer.


In a way the Season of Lent provides the way and the content of our journey to victory over adversities we face as God’s people on our passage to victory.


We know the Lord’s plans for us are to prosper and that no harm will overcome us. What we do not know, are the details of what this way to victory entails.


Therefore listen to Psalm 61: 1 – 3, as the poet with ’n fainting heart cries out to God to be his refuge and source of winning the battles we face:

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.  From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. (Ps. 61: 1 – 3)


Psalm 61 encourages prayer as a source of help, of strength and of winning the battles on the way. Although we in faith and with knowledge of the gospel mostly know that we will win the “war” - we often are just too concerned about the battles we encounter on the way.


Even as our hearts grow faint, we will call, we will cry and beg our God to listen to our plea and provide for us in the battles of every day. We have a great need for a place to hide under some circumstances: a strong tower for defense (a military concept) and a tent for resting and refuge (describing our daily needs in life).

God is our tower of refuge, strength and deliverance.

As prayer is one of the central obligations we take on during the Lenten Season, this message guides and directs this journey of prayer.


It is clear that we need a high rock, a firm place, from where we will launch our attacks and secure victory!  Fighting with sword and shield requires a high place, a steadfast rock to stand on, and the advantage of height and a good view of the enemy.

We need a place to dig in, to recover, turn the fight around and turn the battles into conquests, even while it feels as if we are losing.


Jesus is our Rock! In Christ’s victory only, do we make our stand!


God is so much more than a place to hide from adversary. He also provides the higher rock from where we will launch the victory namely his only Son, our Lord.


May our Lord every day lead us to the higher Rock by his Spirit and give us the courage to win the battles, as our God, in and through Jesus Christ, already won the war. With his cross and through his resurrection and ascension. 


May we on Easter Sunday and everyday thereafter, be fully prepared for the battle, standing firm on Jesus our risen Lord that we will make our stand in his divine power. 
