Living the reality of God’s Kingdom, every day.


If Jesus came to establish the reign of God on earth, if he proclaimed this message through his teaching and his life and as this message led him to the cross of atonement, then how do we who believe in Jesus, work for the coming of his Kingdom today?


We should live in the reality of the kingdom of God. Jesus said, “The kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news” (Mark 1:15).


When we accept God’s rule over our lives, we adopt values and priorities that are radically different than those of the world. We live our lives in a brand-new direction, namely the reign of God in Jesus Christ.


We live in the world as salt and light. Like Jesus, our message and our lives should proclaim the Kingdom of God.

We testify about what God has done for us, in Christ.

We invite others to accept the Gospel and live under God’s reign.

We live God’s reign by loving our brothers and sisters,

praying for the sick and the frail,

turning away from evil,

caring for the poor,

forgiving and loving our enemies

and living worshipful in the faith-community of Jesus.


The kingdoms of this world became the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,

and he shall reign forever and ever.

Hallelujah! Amen!
