Celebrate Christ, the King!

On the Sunday before the first Advent Sunday, the universal Church celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.

It is the last Sunday of the Christian calendar. The first Advent Sunday marks the first Sunday of the new Christian year. On the First Advent Sunday we, among other things, start the countdown until Christmastide begins.


The Christian year ends celebrating Christ the King, in victory. We gladly bring honour to Jesus who has not only saved us from our sins by his cross, resurrection, and ascension. Our celebration of the glorious work of Jesus culminates in the great finale of the celebration of Christ the King. We rejoice that his Kingdom has come on earth, just as it is in heaven.


We bring honour to our Redeemer, Christ the King, who victoriously reigns now, and reigns forever. He dealt with our every need, delivered us from every enemy, healed us from all sin, harm and injury and he is worshipped when everyone bows before him as Lord of all.


We know everything God has promised has not happened on our earth yet! Yes, his Kingdom has come and, yes, he is the King and Head of the Church, and he reigns in glory.

And yet, his dominion is also still coming to us and to the world. We still live in hope, and in faith that we truly heard the Word of God, that testifies that he will also come again in glory to effect in the smallest detail, his glorious reign. But until he comes again, we celebrate his heavenly rule, and the coming of his dominion over everything and everyone with great expectation, in faith and in the certain knowledge that even now he is the King of our hearts, of his Church and of every aspect of our lives.


On the feast of Christ the King, we celebrate that Jesus of Nazareth, the eternal Son of God, takes his place as King of kings and Lord of lords in our lives, our faith and our knowledge in faith that he will bring justice and righteousness to us, to his people and to the whole world.


We celebrate that our King not only brings salvation to us, but through his ministries in the Church, also to the ends of the earth.

His people accept the grace that he brings and commit their lives to the power of the Holy Spirit who empowers his children and his Church to fulfil the commission of Christ the King to preach the gospel to everyone, bring justice wherever we serve him and bring hope and light where darkness still hides his glorious reign and redemption.


We must live only for his honour, glory, and reign. We seek to be obedient by the power of his resurrection and his Spirit. We are convinced that nobody and nothing will separate us from the love of God that we received in Christ the King, our Lord and our Saviour!

Hosanna to the King of kings!
